Improve Your Emailing: A Quick Checklist For Beginners
Does the name Ray Tomlinson mean anything to you?
Hint: He belongs in the revolutionary club, alongside Steve Jobs&Steve Wozniak Bill Gates&Paul Allen , J. Presper Eckert&John Mauchly, Charles Babbage and Sabeer Bhatia
"Who are these people and are you also thinking, what have they got to do with me and improving my emailing skills"?
They ALL contributed to the email world that we know today!
And how are they connected to emailing?
Here's a brief intro to them and their association with emailing:
Charles Babbage
Is credited with having conceived the first mechancial computer.
J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly
Started the construction of the first known electronical computer in 1943 and finished it in 1946
Steve Jobs & Steve Wozniak
Created the first computer with interactive windows, icons and a mouse
Ray Tomlinson
Created the @ symbol
V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai
Created the term eMail
Sabeer Bhatia & Bill Gates
Created the web based eMail service called Hotmail and Microsoft purchased it from him to make it an eMail feature of the Microsoft Network
There are others however, in my view these are the pioneers of emailing and definitely had their role in the email world that we know today!
And with the staggering amount of email sent during any given 24hr period, just how can yours stand out?
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